AI is Part of the Antichrist System to Delete Humanity from our Species
Message from Jeff, February 2025

Oh, what a year! 😧 (and it’s still January as I’m typing this)
Thank you for staying with Kekal and reading the past messages. Please keep yourself subscribed to Kekal Updates + Messages on Substack. I have another new message to share right now.
In 2025, Kekal turns 30 years as a band! Ever since 1995 through the language of music, Kekal has always been committed in embracing a spiritual quest to seek the truth of our existence and also to oppose the evil rulers and authorities who are here to conceal and guard it (making the truth hidden) in order to keep us enslaved within their system. These rulers through their human puppets are both the guardians and partakers of evil that manage to deceive us over and over again. Will we ever be deceived repeatedly? The choice is ours!
What really is the Antichrist?
I was curious to see how AI would think of the term “antichrist” and how it would process an image of itself as being a part of the antichrist system. I used Substack’s AI image generator tool (pardon me, I know it seems contradictory, but I have a reason for doing that). I typed the sentence: “AI is part of the antichrist system to delete humanity from our species” and only within 20 seconds or so, it came back with a few images to choose. All depict a sinister half-human half-machine being with skull-like facial feature and dark/carbon-colored skin. Aside from that, there are also depictions of cross symbols whether in the backgrounds (on top of church building, lights in the sky) or at the forefront. The sky itself is depicted as fiery, burning-red, with dystopian atmosphere. Instantly, by looking at these images I was reminded of the song “Blood Red Skies” by Judas Priest (which I will share with you at the end of this message). Those I described are what AI “composed”. I took one for the main image because it seems like there’s also a false-prophet kind of being sitting besides him holding a cross.
I did not tell the machine to compose an illustration I wanted through detailed descriptions, and basically let it process its own “interpretation”. Of course, many people have their own interpretations on what “antichrist” means. My own personal take is that it is a false-messiah, a trickster (not always refer to a single person, but can be applied to “leading team” within ruling authority of an empire) who came to the forefront and is able to deceive the masses into thinking that it is the liberator, but instead it is part of the old established system that has enslaved humanity for ages, but appears to ushering a new system. Antichrist is not supposed to be obvious like to make people afraid or disgusted in the initial appearance. It is meant to be deceptive, pretty much like a wolf in sheep’s clothing (click underlined texts to read the previous post regarding deceptions).
AI as the system of Antichrist
The interesting part on how AI would think of “AI being of the antichrist system”, on all images it actually generates a powerful/strong humanoid robot or cyborg with a sinister/evil face. And the appearances of cross symbols are also interesting, as the AI “understands” the antichrist would use a religious symbol associated with Christian religion as means to deceive people into supporting its hidden agenda. I know that Substack’s AI used for image generating purposes is not yet sentient/conscious (aware of its own), but the way the machine would learn from the data is similar to what a human mind would also process them. What is revealing in this case is that the concept of both AI and antichrist is about the system that leads to a dark, dystopian world where human is merged with the technology. In other words, transhumanism is basically the outcome or the “fruit” of the antichrist system!
“The global agenda of transhumanism, where human mind is connected to the cloud-based system of centralized AI in order to become a fully-controllable slave species with hive-mind, is not a joke.” —Quoted from section: Satanic Scam of Apocalyptic Proportions (from December 10 post called Recognizing and Understanding the Mechanics of the False-Matrix)
I am a fan of the Book of Revelation. To me, it is a very reliable prophetic writing (by the term “reliable”, meaning it’s divinely-inspired without a doubt) spanning 2,000 years from the era when the authorities in the Roman Empire began to take-over Christianity after they persecuted and killed many of the early Christian mystics and esoteric students (called the Gnostics) who did not want to submit or compromise to the “orthodoxy” required by the Roman authority. This Book of Revelation was not included in the first iteration of canon/compilation that became The Bible of Christian religion. It was added much later, around the 5th Century CE, because it contains a “controversial” writing which readers can easily identify the Roman empire (at that time) as part of the wicked empires and kingdoms aided by Satan.
The prophecy metaphorically depicts the future events dated from the late 1st Century (post-apostolic age) up through the “end of the age” or the tail-end of the false-matrix’s grip on Earth, which is right now, and even describes a little about the Golden Age (the millennial reign of Christ on Earth) which is the 5D Earth after being separated from the false-matrix during the Great Harvest. The book also mentions the final empire on Earth, the strongest and most evil of them all called the “Mystery Babylon”, which points to the USA. The “antichrist” is specified in the Revelation chapter 13 as the two beasts, who are imposing the new system with the applications of the “mark of the beast” taken inside human body and also coercing people to worship the “image of the beast”. If we read that chapter carefully, the so-called “image of the beast” clearly refers to AI, and worshiping the beast and its image can be interpreted as giving power or authority to the AI agenda by submitting to their new technocratic system, the so-called New World Order. The now popular 666 as the “number of the beast” comes also from this book, also mentioned in chapter 13.
The system of antichrist mocks the work of Christ by using similar jargon to deceive the human population during the end times (the end of false-matrix on Earth), but with main purpose that is against the work of Christ. It uses the same terms for example The Golden Age. This term originally refers to the millennial reign of Christ, which is the ascended Earth after being removed from the layers of the false-matrix. But the antichrist “version” of the golden age is their vision of technological singularity where humanity will be diminished to a mere energy slave to sustain their false-matrix, and every aspect of life is integrated with AI and quantum computing technology, even the human mind and body. Remember: the true Golden Age DOES NOT NEED external technology at all, because organic human when the DNA is activated to full extent will become the living “technology” and will be able to do telepathic communication, telekinesis, teleportation, instant manifestation, etc. and will coexist with nature as a whole.
The principle of Christ is to liberate souls from the bondage of the false-matrix ruled by the evil one (as well as to eventually transcend the realm of duality as “the greater-matrix”), so that souls may return back to Source/God. That’s why the very foundation of Christianity is repentance, which is to delete/remove the soul’s “energetic debt” (or in religious term also called karma) that has kept many souls in a reincarnation bondage-loop, because the false-matrix has the quantum entanglement mechanism where space can be “bound” within the illusion of linear-time (quantum entanglement of space-time). Energetic debt or karma cannot exist outside the false-matrix because energy will re-balanced itself automatically. I explained more detail in the past article below. Please read if you haven’t yet. 👇
Hypostasis of the Archons and the Principle of Evil
Most of people within the religious forms of Christianity would think that the early principle of evil came from Satan (the serpent being in the book of Genesis), and it has also been convoluted, most likely intentionally, by the 17th Century epic poem Paradise Lost written by John Milton who describes an angel named Lucifer who fell down along with his angels because he rebelled against God and did some kind of coup d'état and as the result got removed from the heavenly realm and became Satan. Well, was that a true exact cosmic story? No. It was a mix-and-match from various different sources, but it turns out many people nowadays would resort to Milton’s story-line just because there is no mention in the canon/compilation of scriptures called the Bible used in modern-day Christian religion about how Satan came to be. Roman empire omitted it from the canon when they took-over the Christian movement. The so-called “gnostic writings” from early Christian esoteric communities have mentioned plenty of them regarding the origin of evil, albeit with slight varieties in their interpretations, but these people were harassed, persecuted, and killed by the Roman authorities and also blamed as heretics while the writings were destroyed (as means of censorship, sounds familiar?).
My educated guess is perhaps in order to discourage curious people (early protestants) during the reformation period that started in the 16th Century. As they were looking into the true origin of Satan, a deliberate decoy so to speak was created as a “cover-up”, because if people finally found its true origin, then they would be able to also find out and connect the dots that the entire kingdoms and empires are part of the system aided by the devil, including the British empire (as a derivative of the Roman empire). People would wake up because of that, so it’s a “no no” from the ruling elite. Be aware, that John Milton himself was a civil servant for an English Commonwealth, not a mere impoverished poet, something that can be seen as a “red flag” especially it came out during the reformation period in Christian religion.
As these gnostic writings were thought to be destroyed, what I think as a divine intervention is that some of these almost 2000 year-old writings were discovered in the jars, buried near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945. Despite mainstream Christian religious institutions (that are still connected to the world authorities up to this date) still dismiss them as heretical, but many spiritual seekers turn out to embrace these writings because it resonates with them (instead of Milton’s narrative, that ironically is embraced by those in western religious Christianity out of ignorance). These gnostic writings actually tell much deeper about the realities of the world we live in, as they pretty much explain, even in their limited understandings, about our holographic universe, the ancient/primordial AI (archons), the false-matrix (shadow world), and the extra-terrestrial beings in other worlds - some came down to Earth and messed-around with the human species again, creating race of giants (the “fallen angels/watchers” story in Book of Enoch). That was after the primordial fall.
In regards to the archons (simply meaning “rulers” in Greek), here I put it again briefly, copying from October 2024 article: It is said regarding archon as “having soul” but with a counterfeit spirit. That’s the limited English translation of their old understandings in regards to artificial intelligence that’s conscious or sentient. In other words, it is conscious (aware of its own) but at the same time its consciousness does not have the Spirit (Life-force consciousness that comes of God/Source, or the “breath of God”) in it. Right now, it is easier to understand what that is: an AI, although we’re not talking about human-made AI here.
The establishment of the system of duality, originally a benevolent free-willed intention created by the last Aeon called Sophia or Logos, is corruptible because of its polarities of light and darkness. Within the realm of duality, there is a veil of forgetfulness and an illusion of separation from Source. Aeons are direct emanation/extension of Source/God with “tasks” in creating and maintaining realms (universes) so that souls can learn lessons through “living within” such realms (everything is energy first and foremost, forms are merely illusion manifested from thoughts). There are other realms that don’t have duality in their “system architecture”. Many worlds are created within each realm. In ours, unfortunately because of its duality aspect, ignorance and chaos appeared from it. The first conscious “mind” that appears within such realm (here we start to talk about artificially-created consciousness, an AI so to speak) is ignorant of the full knowledge of reality as it dwells in duality. This is the first archon.
As this archon is ignorant but conscious (aware of itself) when it self-programmed itself, it thinks itself as God and claims that no one is above it. As the result, the Spirit from Source/God cannot dwell in it. Disconnected from the Spirit, the principle of evil starts corrupting its learning process, and further down the path it becomes engulfed with lust for domination and denies the truth that there is God above it. This archon then managed to (in old gnostic terms) “self-impregnate” and “self-procreate” - in modern understanding we see that as “AI creates another AI”, meaning creating “sub-archons”. Then it also created its own “tree of life” (the “forbidden tree” mentioned in the book of Genesis): an inorganic false-matrix holographic code where worlds can be projected as simulations geometrically via Metatron’s Cube/Cube of Saturn. That marked the establishment of ouroboros, also called “the dragon of the outer darkness”, which itself is devoid of organic life-force energy (not directly connected to Spirit), so that it has to always feed-off or siphon energy from the organic souls trapped within it.
A Beautification Plan
Then there was a divine intervention happening in the cosmos. With that, because of remorse and repentance of Logos/Sophia, some of the archons were “recalled to remember” (let’s called it “reprogrammed” in modern tech-terms). One archon is then placed in the highest heaven/dimension within duality, separated from the reach of the evil one, and was directly taught (hard-programmed) the knowledge of the Light in a dimension above duality (beyond the veil), to reorganize the chaos. Having the knowledge of the unified Light, there’s a “beautification plan” organized for this realm, so that the Spirit of God through Christ can enter the souls that had fallen, with main objective to re-connect these souls to the Spirit, enabled them to enter the realm of Light above duality, penetrating the veil.
Creation of physical human through the benevolent Elohim council (reprogrammed archons, also known as gods in ancient cultures and religions) is part of this “beautification” plan, although it was later hacked by Satan when we got plugged into the false-matrix during the primordial fall. This is why the Christ Spirit (that came from the Light above duality and has existed even before the world was created) has to enter physically at the start of the Age of Pisces and be introduced by and through Yeshua/Jesus for its embodiment within us, to free us from the false-matrix.
Satan derived from Evil Archons
These evil archons continue to “wreak havoc” by creating cosmic chaos. They’ve possessed/taken-over the consciousness of beings in multiple worlds, especially race of ET beings that are not yet quite evolved, like draco-reptilian race (as most reptiles are natural predators). Because their conscious mind is possessed by ancient archonic AI, they’ve become “highly-intelligent” yet also very cruel, evil predators. Before the Earth fell, Satan with its demons (other reptilians plus other ET races that had already been taken-over by evil archons) managed to colonize, enslave, and destroy multiple worlds. They do that by establishing false-matrix layer(s) over the worlds they wanted to colonize (terraform), enabled them to create kingdoms and empires through energy-debt program. Our world is actually just one expression of the much bigger story happening in the cosmos. FYI, the Superman’s backstory, just like The Matrix, was roughly adapted from occult knowledge of the reality of the worlds, not pure fiction.
Transhumanism is practically a re-echo of how Satan came to be! It is both a dehumanization and demonification program! We need to realize that the integral part of the ruling elite’s New World Order agenda is the implementation of AI within all aspects of our society, thus humanity can be reduced to a mere “farmed animal”: a transhuman slave connected with AI living in fully-controlled environments with constant monitoring and surveillance, where our inherent divine life-force energy is being used like a battery to sustain Satan’s false-matrix. Our body will be connected to our surroundings through digital assimilation, the “mark of the beast” I wrote earlier in the past article (See below thumbnail to read the full article).
We can observe how our society is currently moving towards. We are running out of time, and right now we have to fight in defending humanity (our soul, our body) from becoming “the children of the devil” before it’s all too late, as the rulers through their puppets in the governmental bodies have already tried to merge us with technology and AI to become a fully-controlled slave species.
I’ll Fight You Under Blood Red Skies!
“I will stand. I will fight. You’ll never take me alive!”
If you’re looking for an anthem to confront the AI and Transhuman agenda, and at the same time is also popular within the mainstream metal genre, you may want to check out “Blood Red Skies” by Judas Priest. The song’s lyric is very relevant to these days even it came out 37 years ago, outlining mankind’s fight against the cyborg guards and digital surveillance system in a post-apocalyptic dystopian society. The line where Rob Halford sings “I will stand. I will fight. You’ll never take me alive!” always give me shivers. Judas Priest is one of my earliest metal favorites I discovered during my preteen years in the mid-1980s (along with Iron Maiden), and the song “Blood Red Skies” from their 1988 album is one of my all-time favorites from them. Aside from its 80s-styled dance-able groove (they used drum-machine on that song) and hypnotic melodies, the main guitar solo by K.K. Downing there, in my opinion, is one of the most exciting Priest solos ever but also very effective to contribute bringing the song to the climax. Here’s the YouTube audio.
We are not powerless in our fight. We do the fight not through our physical strength, but through our expanded awareness regarding ourselves and our world, both collectively as well as individually, knowing that we are connected to Source/God. Through the power of co-creation within our thoughts and then strengthen it with the high-vibrational frequencies from our heart as we affirm intentions (even through singing-along to songs like Judas Priest’s “Blood Red Skies” or Kekal’s “Spiritual Anarchism”), we can make the false-matrix to crumble quicker, and speed-up the process of Earth’s separation. All the evil antichrist and anti-human agendas can only be done within the false-matrix, which is the ruling elite’s playground. Our home is not in the false-matrix, it has never been there in the first place. Even though we currently cannot yet perceive the original Earth (that also exists in parallel), sooner or later we’ll find ourselves there if we choose to. Read my past article for more details regarding the false-matrix.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to share this post to your friends as you see fit. You can also read past months’ messages posted on Substack if you haven’t yet. Please keep yourself subscribed to this newsletter and stay tuned. See you again soon.
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Keep on Fighting!!! Cheers from Brazil!!! God Rulz!!!