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I had to split January 2025 message into 2 parts to keep the post within a reasonable reading time. This post is the 2nd part, which is to recognize and understand certain patterns where deceptions mostly occur. Check out Part 1 of the message if you haven’t read it yet (click the thumbnail below). 👇
Since around the year 2016, more and more people have become interested in topics regarding human history, consciousness and spirituality in general. This happens as the result of The Great Awakening that drives many of us to seek more knowledge about the reality we live in. As expected, numerous so-called spiritual coaches, teachers, gurus, mystics, truthers, etc. started to appear online in the past few years. Part of them are genuine folks with intention to guide the collective in seeking the truth, but many of them are just opportunists, and even some of them are “compromised individuals” with intentions to deceive or to “muddy the waters” with false information added in their package.
What I’ve noticed is that the majority of these spiritual talks mainly focus on ascension, shift in human consciousness, going from 3D to 5D new Earth, learn how to manifest, etc. but only a very few that actually mention about the false-matrix vs organic/divine-matrix. When AI came to the surface and “suddenly” takes-over many of our creative works and literally shakes the already weak core foundations of modern society, I feel that the knowledge regarding these two distinctly different matrices that form our perceptual reality also needs to be brought up in the conversations more often. First, we need to realize that this 3D world we currently perceive as “reality” is of the false-matrix, and that our aim is to get out or exit this corrupt matrix by first recognizing our true sovereignty as a human being carrying organic divine life-force energy (the breath of God or Spirit). Failing to do so, we may ignorantly continue to be bound and used as energy/power slaves. There are already talks by certain pro-AI “spiritual influencers”, especially online, trying to promote “false ascension” to many newly-awakened individuals that may trust them easily (as an alternative to decaying mainstream narratives and religious dogma), especially when they say that we will be given access to new technologies by the “good guys” that will transform the entire world’s financial, medical, and other systems to benefit humanity in the future. There are dangerous psy-ops going around recently using that type of bait, and have infiltrated numerous online communities, even borrowing spiritual jargon like “the great reawakening”, to deceive us into giving away our sovereignty and even free-will to the ruling elite in regards to AI and transhumanism agenda, which is their endgame to take as many human souls as possible within the false-matrix so that they can continue to enslave us.
Everything built within the False-Matrix will perish!
I explained previously in the Part 1 of the message, that this false-matrix cannot be held by a higher-frequency vibration because they are not mathematically compatible when it comes to the densities of the elements needed to be “produced” to make the matrix being decoded holographically and perceived as “reality”. Within the duality, waveform of energy with higher frequency vibration means the light is more intense or brighter, and lower frequency means the light is dimmer and can also becomes dark like a shadow.
This inorganic, quantum computer-generated matrix always need external energy sources to power it because by-design it does not have direct access to organic and divine life-force energy from God/Source. It has to parasitically feed-off the energy from us, the organic players trapped within it. Within the false-matrix we have always been used as power-slaves, like a battery, and in order to keep us enslaved we always need to be tricked or deceived continuously. Just like a slave that isn’t aware of being enslaved in the first place, he would not try to escape slavery. If we understand our birthright as a free being and recognize our divinity, we would reject being enslaved and manipulated. Now comes the paradox, if more and more of us are becoming enlightened with expanded awareness, then who will continue to supply the energy for this false-matrix? This is a very important logic: When we know that our current “reality” is based on a computer-generated inorganic/false-matrix that always need a continuous supply of negative energy from our suffering, then the matrix has to always be kept running within the shadows full of deceptions where suffering always exist. In other words, the false-matrix can never function when everyone is happy and content. We can easily observe our world which is of the false-matrix, that one part of society has always been sacrificed (has to suffer from wars, sickness, poverty, homelessness, etc.) in order for the other part of society to thrive.
So, following this same logic above, be mindful when we see forms of psy-ops going around that tell us there’s a new kind of “world order” coming that can provide us solutions in life where everyone can be happy, and they will provide new systems and new technologies that will benefit people, etc. to create a sustainable “utopian” society in the world. Would that be possible to be achieved in this current reality? Mathematically and logically, it is impossible! As long as everything is still being formed or built within the false-matrix as the basis, any kind of system that benefits the whole will NEVER EVER be possible to be maintained, just because there’s no low-frequency energy to be siphoned to fuel the matrix in the first place. It is paradoxical. When we are really happy and content, our hearts will generate higher frequency vibration (the light will be brighter). The false-matrix cannot siphon high frequency vibration of energy because the intensity of its light will dissolve the matrix’s core foundation, so it cannot be sustained that way. The “broadcasting frequency” of the false-matrix has always been at the low frequency spectrum. It’s a form of an energy-taker that vibrates at a low frequency. This is why we need to understand the mechanics of the false-matrix, how it operates, so that we are able to “smell” the reek of deceptions, especially when they tell us to “trust their plan” over and over again.
Hopium and Fear-Porn share the same purpose
Beware: The key of delivering external programming is through repetition. It’s in the same tone of message that is being communicated over and over again.
We should not easily be tricked by hopium (addiction to false hopes) from endless sweet promises, fake news, and sneaky propaganda. The reason they come up with various hopium-induced narratives is to make people passive and submissive to whatever plans these rulers do, which is basically to delay their crumbling false-matrix (by “buying time”) while taking as many organic human souls as possible with them into captivity, and also to destroy humanity from within. The “other side” of hopium (but having the same purpose to trap souls within the false-matrix) is called fear-porn, because it makes people to be addicted to fear and despair (and also involving hate and resentments), and as the result, they (the rulers) can feed-off human energy generated from these negative emotions. You can see in mainstream and social media, there are tons of both hopium and fear-porn induced contents. We can identify these by the typicality of the tones in their messages. The hopium-induced stories would say something like “We are in good hands, everything is taken care of, everything is good according to plan. Just trust us.”. That tone would dis-empower us and prevent us into making conscious decisions based on our sovereignty and free-will.
The other method of psy-op is using the fear-mongering tactics which feed us a sense of powerlessness and despair, like evil is so overwhelmingly strong that we are completely powerless against it. It is observable from the contents of the information that never give any solution, only negative reporting of grim situations leading to a grim future. They repeatedly keep pushing the same fear programming (hence the term “fear-porn”), the same way the “hopium” side would continuously feeding us false-hopes or also giving us “future dates” (with dates that keep extending) so that we can cling to our expectations to “something good is coming” while being dragged into their programming over time, to keep us distracted from finding our true selves.
Beware: The key of delivering external programming is through repetition. It’s in the same tone of message that is being communicated over and over again. Human is a powerful creator being, and collectively our soul-based consciousness alone can co-create our reality just by thoughts, intentions and emotions. Be mindful when tuning in to all these “news” or “reports” that carry either hopium or fear-porn, as they can manipulate our focus/attention and emotions.
Patterns in which Deceptions may occur
Deceptions always run both ways. The ones who are deceived are not “100% innocent” because they actually contribute (although unintentionally) to make deceptions to succeed by following the patterns and acquiescing (agreeing/accepting to participate). We need to understand that deceptions always require free-will as the basis of their functions. Deception is a form of temptation, and temptation involves free-will of those who are tempted. Any deception cannot function if anyone who is about to be deceived is not “agreeing to participate” in the first place. It means, if we don’t follow certain patterns in which deception may occur, we can avoid being tricked or deceived. Here’s a simple example: Many people became victims to various forms of scams, but most scams always start with promising something as a bait (like a good amount of money/profit, cheap goods, health benefits, perks, jobs, etc.). Those who got scammed actually followed the pattern in which they acquiesced to take the bait in the first place. Some deceptions use fear tactics, coercion, false information, and propaganda to manipulate our emotions and perceptions, just like the 2020 event where many people acquiesced into taking the “mark of the beast”. Read part 1 of the message for more details on that “satanic scam of apocalyptic proportions”.
Below are 3 main patterns where deceptions mostly occur.
1: Identification to our ego-self as opposed to the soul as the “true-self”
Our ego-self is created from the data stored within our DNA (which is an open-source biological software). It is based on the codes that have been programmed into our DNA, both being passed-on biologically from ancestral lineage as well as from external programming (education, religion, culture, social norms, etc.). Our DNA works like a computer software and nothing more. It is artificial. Our ego-self normally dictates most of our personality traits that drive our behaviors. It is not our true-self or the soul-self. When we see our ego-self (which is our fake/artificial self) and mistaken it as our true-self, we may lose ability to see beyond the material/physical, or beyond our body, and may fall into sweet-talks that promise us wealth, stability, well-being, security, freedom, pleasure, or other forms of vanities in which deceptions mostly occur using this pattern.
We need to first recognize our ego-self as the false-self, and then to tune into our soul-based consciousness instead, so we can find our true-self. This requires patience and sometimes self-discipline. How do we find our true-self? Start from going within and ask basic existential questions like “why am I here?” and “what’s the purpose of my existence” during personal prayers or meditations. Every soul has different assignments or missions unique to the individual, and also different objectives for learning lessons in life. Once we know our soul’s purpose and the reason we were born in this incarnation, then we can see the world differently, and will not be swayed easily by external temptations and deceptions, because our focus will be on finishing our soul’s missions and mastering the lessons.
2: Giving our power away to authority figures and attachment to “identity politics” (tribalism, patriotism)
This has been one of our species’ main weaknesses for ages, perhaps because our DNA was tweaked this way during the primordial fall many thousands of years ago to become the slave species (where at the same time we became “plugged” to this false-matrix). Many ancient human civilizations considered fallen “angelic” ET/alien beings as gods/deities, and proceed to worship them or giving them power to reign over us as rulers. So many people tend to worship/idolize governmental authority figures, politicians, celebrities (sports, music, movie), or other key figures ranging from royal families to religious leaders to social-media influencers to sneaky billionaires. The combination of idolizing/worshiping authority figure plus attachment to the so-called “identity politics” or tribalism can also make people to become manipulated fanatics, which enabled any forms of deceptions to be done very easily upon them, bypassing critical thinking and individual sovereignty to make important decisions in life. This method of manipulation has been utilized successfully for many many years in various nations to achieve certain political goals, by using the population that have already been programmed since childhood through various means of dogma and propaganda, so that the people will acquiesce to give their power and sovereignty to the authority in supporting their political agenda.
I can understand why very early on when my spiritual journey of awakening had just begun around 2016, I was led by my inner-guidance to embrace anarchism fully, up to the spiritual level. The song “Spiritual Anarchism” is my personal testimony to that. It took me about 3 years to contemplate and learn about being a true anarchist, but I can understand now, because one of the biggest psy-ops happening today involves what I can see as authority-figure worship mixed with tribalism, and it also extends to what we know as patriotism and nationalism.
3: Considering external technology as savior of humanity
There are testimonies from some near-death experiencers that they were shown the “sneak-peek” of Earth’s future when they were on “the other side”. Other than we will eventually be able to do telepathic communication, teleportation, telekinesis, quick manifestation, etc. (due to the re-activation of our dormant DNA), we will also live a simple life in small communities where everything will be in harmony with nature, and no visible technology whatsoever. No external technology. This is the true future of mankind on Earth after being separated from the false-matrix during the “break-away event” or the Great Harvest. Certainly NOT the “fake-utopian” technocratic dystopian civilizations with “smart-everything”, high-tech 15-minute cities populated by mind-controlled AI-integrated hive-minded transhuman zombies/slaves living in constant surveillance like farmed animals. When AI started to be implemented in various fields of work especially in the creative fields, many people began to wonder whether this whole thing is leading to a brighter future. Absolutely not! AI is part of antichrist and anti-human visions of the ruling elite, to delete humanity from the human species on Earth. But they can only do that within the false-matrix, which will be separated from Earth very soon. Remember the “foretelling symbolism” that was given from this highly-influential and widely-worshiped technocrat billionaire, which is one of the most idolized figures from the evil mass-murderous warmongering empire, the “Mystery Babylon”, which according to the prophecy in the Book of Revelation, will eventually meet its total destruction.
The only way for us to be free again is to triumph over various forms of deceptions. Every decision we make should never be aligned with the systems of the false-matrix. We can do that through our expanded awareness of ourselves and the world, being more spiritual (in-tuned with the soul), combined with strong intention in holding a higher frequency vibration through love and acts of kindness, as well as exposing everything deceitful that operates in the shadows or darkness. That can be our self-preparation in walking the path away from the false-matrix, even though the path is narrow, not easy to tread, and not many people walk on it.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to share this post to your friends as you see fit. You can also read past months’ messages posted on Substack if you haven’t yet. Please keep yourself subscribed to this newsletter and stay tuned. See you again soon.
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