From Saturnalia to Christmas: A Satanic Festive Season during the Winter Solstice
Message from Jeff, December 2024
**NOTE: This message was meant to be published early December, but I decided to do it before the end of November instead. —Jeff, November 21, 2024**
Greetings Earth beings! For many people who live in the so-called “western countries” or those to adopt “western tradition” wherever they are, December is the month where they would celebrate Christmas or Holiday Season, year after year.
A while ago, one of Kekal’s listeners on Facebook asked about a traditional Christmas song called “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” which Kekal recorded it back in 2002 (the band was invited by a U.S. record label to be part of an underground metal Christmas compilation CD, among other bands). Kekal cannot officially re-release that song because the recording’s copyright belongs to the label who released the CD, but you can listen to the song here if you want. Just press the play button below 👇
Lyrically, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” highlights the humankind’s spiritual battle in overcoming Satan’s power, and also perhaps the only traditional Christmas carol mentioning both “Christ” and “Satan” in the lyrics. That was the reason we picked this song for the compilation (rather than ridiculous song about Santa french-kissing your mommy 🤮). Six years later, this same song was also picked by Ronnie James Dio & Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath fame who recorded it for a mainstream hard rock Christmas compilation album.
Nowadays, one thing always bug me about the lyrics on that old traditional song (dated back as early as the 17th Century) when it says “remember Christ the Savior was born on Christmas day”. I understand that the original songwriter came from the British religious Christian background who celebrated Christmas day on December 25 as per tradition, and considered that day being the day Jesus the Christ was born. But historically, it turns out to be very wrong, an intentional deception done by the Roman authority. Even Eastern Orthodox and Coptic church observe a different date for their commemoration of the birth of Jesus (January 7) and they don’t call that day “Christmas”. I will explain more regarding the occult/hidden meaning of the word “Christmas” here, as well as exposing the “not so white” (pun intended) history or origin of this December festive season. Please fasten your seat belt or hold your pants as we dive a bit deeper here.
Is December 25 the birth date of Yeshua/Jesus?
The answer to that question is: No, it is not!
On September 11, 3 BC (date converted to Gregorian calendar we use today) in Bethlehem, a Roman empire’s territory of Judaea back then (now Palestine), sunset was at 6:18 pm and moonset at 7:39 pm. It was during this 81-minute period of time, Yeshua (known today as Jesus) was born there. The birth of Yeshua was never celebrated by the original early Christians in the first 3 centuries, up until the Roman empire took over, made it into a monolithic religion, and corrupted it.
So what happened then to the now so-called Christmas day on December 25? It was originally a festive season dedicated to Roman empire’s Sol Invictus, a winter-sun deity. It’s the date of the northern hemisphere’s Winter Solstice in the Julian calendar (before they switched to Gregorian calendar). The festive season was called Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, and itself was a “re-brand” of another festivity called Saturnalia: a very dark Roman empire’s festive season held during the winter solstice where they performed rituals from public sex orgies to human sacrifices. Saturnalia was held to honor the Roman god Saturn. The term “Satan” mentioned in the old scriptures of pre-Christian Essene communities and also original/early Christian movement actually points to Saturn. Please click below thumbnail to read October 2024 message where I explained more on Saturn, if you haven’t read it yet. 👇
The “keyword” associated with Saturn is human sacrifice. Saturn is portrayed as a child-eater, and the offerings of human sacrifices to Saturn/Satan have been practiced by the death-cult rulers of the world (a.k.a. the elite) since many thousands of years ago, both in the open (through wars by killing the innocents, coordinated mass-casualty “accidents”, man-made “natural disasters”, and false-flag events all over the world) as well as in the satanic rites behind closed doors where they torture and kill children. In the October 2024 message, I explained regarding the inorganic/false-matrix, and due to it being disconnected from Source/God it needs a continuous supply of energy from organic souls especially human souls. Human sacrifice is one of their “favorite” methods to siphon negative energy from our suffering.
The Occult meaning of the word “Christmas”
The term “Christmas” itself is actually anti-Christian in nature. It is a combination of the word Christ and Mass. The word “Mass” is taken from a Latin word “Missa” which literally means “sending-off” or “dismissal”. So, the word “Christmas” has its intentional, occult/hidden literal meaning which is the “dismissal of Christ” or “removal of Christ”. The greeting “Merry Christmas” works like a spoken magic spell as people are ignorantly participating in dismissing Christ in their words when they greet one another. Saturnalia festive season was intended for the worship of Saturn/Satan, and they happened to re-brand it later on and calling it “dismissal of Christ” festive season, using the same dates during the winter solstice. Christmas is basically Saturnalia, only in different clothing.
Santa = Satan?
Most people nowadays know about Santa Claus, but not many of us actually know its origin. It was actually based on the medieval European folklore’s entity called Krampus, which isn’t as “friendly” as the bearded fat old man in the shopping malls promoting consumerism. Krampus would accompany St. Nicholas to roam around town searching for children. It shares the same physical appearance with what we know today as “the devil” in popular culture. The name Santa Claus is probably just a wordplay of “Satan’s Claws”. Krampus has claws as these images suggest, see below. The supposedly “good” children would get gifts from St. Nicholas, where the “naughty” ones would be put in the basket and taken away by Krampus. Let’s stop here for a moment and look at these old pictures, then read the rest of this message where I also made 5 points at the end, along with referenced links.
You may wonder why the name Santa Claus (Satan’s Claws) has been associated to St. Nicholas? Because that’s part of the so-called “revelation of the method” (research that term on the internet); a common practice of sorcery in order to “re-distribute” part of their karmic consequences among the people who are deceived, by revealing their true intentions or actions “in plain sight” through other means (such as folklore stories and paintings in the old days, and now also in movies, TV series, novels, comics, etc.). Part of their method of deception is by using the free-will of ones who are deceived. They need to “reveal” their actual intentions and practices to the public, and in this case regarding abductions and trafficking of children for satanic rituals of human sacrifice. The Roman god Saturn (where the name “Satan” was attributed to) is a child-eater as depicted in numerous paintings. Krampus’ “basket backpack” is a traditional wicker basket normally used to carry harvested fruits and vegetables for food. You can see the stark symbolism when children are put in there!
Contrary to the dogma, the narrative about Nicholas of Myra as a historical figure of St. Nicholas has been disputed, outside the Roman Catholic church of course. From independent investigations, much of the story regarding Nicholas of Myra came from the Hagiography written 500 years after his supposed “existence” by an unknown author named Michael the Archimandrite, and pretty much nothing from other sources outside the hagiography. Sounds fabricated, right? The biggest problem is when we are “supposed” to trust all accounts within hagiography without questioning whether it is fabricated or not. That’s what dogma actually means. It is very much similar to how we have been bombarded by fabricated “official narratives” that cannot be challenged (ehem...COV...cough..😷) when it comes to the world’s events.
Some of you who read this message may identify yourselves as Christians who follow religious traditions. I don’t mean to offend you by exposing Christmas festivity as being satanic and anti-Christian in nature, and that it has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus at all. I’m here just to share some of many revelations that I’ve received regarding deceptions that are very structural and institutional. It’s up to you to decide after reading this message, but please let me quote a verse from the first Epistle of John (which is part of the New Testament of Christian Bible):
“We know that we are of God, and the whole world is in the power of the evil one.”
— 1 John 5:19 (RSV)
The first part of that sentence explains that we have the Spirit that comes/emanates from God. The term “of God” doesn’t stop at “belonging to God” in terms of ownership, but moreover we are part of God. In other words we are God’s children (branches of the same Tree). The current understanding of this is that we carry an organic and conscious life-force energy that comes directly from God/Source or The Father. It has been scientifically proven that energy is infinite. It cannot be created nor destroyed. It’s in the first law of thermodynamics. God is the totality of one infinite energy, and our souls are fractals of that energy, hence we are “of God”.
The second part of the sentence outlines regarding our world (the illusory, inorganic/false-matrix) that is in the power of the evil one, or the devil. It means the entire system is ruled/controlled by the devil; whether political, economic system, religion, education, medical system, etc. Using various methods of deception, the devil is able to rule and take control of this world through their “puppets” by using our organic and infinite human energy, like a battery, to sustain their false-matrix which is currently collapsing. More explanation about the false-matrix can be read here.
That one biblical verse carries a strong spiritual statement in order for us humans to recognize ourselves as we are, and recognize the world we live in as it is, so that we are able to triumph over the illusion and deceptions.
Because of the Great Awakening, there are many of us who have recently awakened to the realities of this world (especially since the 2020 worldwide event) and began to search deep into the “rabbit hole” regarding the rulers of this world and the powers behind them. That includes revelations on heinous acts those people in the ruling elite have done to children since thousands of years ago in order to strengthen themselves. Their two “favorite seasons” of the year are October 31st (known as Halloween), and during the northern hemisphere’s Winter Solstice (late December). Notice how both festivities involve children in the process. Be aware that they always use general human population to participate in supporting them with our concentrated/focused collective energy, especially during those dates as we are involved in the festivities.
One of the most recent theories is that St. Nicholas was actually a personified duality image of child traffickers (suppliers for the elite) who wore a mask of a benevolent person but also does the opposite. This is the reason the whole image has been maintained until now through Santa Claus. I’ve lived in Canada for over 18 years now, since 2006. In recent years, much of Canada’s dark history regarding Residential School system for indigenous/native children has appeared to the surface and brought into broader public awareness and open discussions (please click the link on underlined text above for more details). As people dig deeper to the stories from survivors’ testimonies, it becomes obvious that this issue isn’t limited to forced conversions imposed on this nation’s indigenous/native population where children were separated from their parents and communities and be put into the so-called western education and religion, but much more evil and sinister ones. Many children turned out to be dead and also missing during the years they were enrolled to residential schools, and “no one” seems to be able to explain the real truth (openly) because everything was kept “under the rug”, as it involved high-profile figures in the ruling elite.
Stories about missing children and young women have also been reported all over the world, and these are no longer wild “conspiracy theories”. Dock workers would tell stories that they sometimes hear screaming of children coming from stacked shipping containers. Not to mention how many orphans who were “adopted” from numerous orphanages in poor Asian and African countries by overseas “parents” that can no longer be traced afterwards.
Before I wrap-up this message, let me outline 5 points for reflection:
Christmas season is a “re-brand” of Saturnalia festive season during the Winter Solstice to honor Roman god Saturn (a.k.a. Satan).
The word Santa is anagram of Satan. St. Nicholas (St. Nick) always had Krampus with him, like the shadow aspect of the same “person”.
The term “Old Nick” refers to the devil, a nickname/alias of the devil (even where the word “nickname” itself also originated from). Crazy…eh? To me, this can’t be a coincidence, everything is hidden in plain sight.
Krampus derived from the Old German word “krampen”, meaning “claw” (phonetically, the “Claus” in Santa name is identical to “claws”). Another coincidence? No way!
Christmas = Christ Mass. The word “mass” is from Latin “missa” meaning “dismissal” or “removal”. So the occult meaning of Christmas is “removal/dismissal of Christ”.
You may wonder what’s the reason for me to share this kind of message. It is basically to make the false-matrix collapsing quicker, by shining light upon the darkness. Shining light means exposing all the evils that have been done in the shadows, in darkness, instead of keeping the darkness hidden. As the light shines in, darkness fades. That is the principle of energy transmutation, because everything we perceive is made of energy.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to share this post to your friends or families if you feel this message has an insight worth sharing. You can also read past messages posted on Substack if you haven’t yet. Please keep yourself subscribed to this newsletter and stay tuned. See you again in 2025!
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Nice work Kekal but to make it easier to read for people, and so more people read and share it next time make spaces between every sentence okay.
From Saturnalia to Christmas: A Satanic Festive Season during the Winter Solstice
Message from Jeff, December 2024
Kekal Nov 21, 2024